Monthly Archives: March 2011

Catching up

Its been a long time since I posted last. There has been a mix of reasons for that, starting with seasonal depression and going on through long shifts and just trying to have a social life of any kind.

The improving weather has helped a lot, I’m coping well and needing less sleep at night now. Sheer bull-headedness has helped me push through more of it. I’m discovering that by keeping on going I have developed stamina generally, and from needing to spend my days off in bed I now feel capable of getting up and doing something about the housework. Today I managed to get the vast majority of my housework done and my washing is hanging outside in the sun.

One of my main coping strategies is to knit. Anything from scarves to sweaters and beyond. for some reason that I don’t quite understand it seems to calm me as well as boost my mood. I’m quite a social knitter, so the projects I take on tend to be simple enough that it’s harder to make mistakes. I do have more than one project on the go, so if one starts to get complex I can put it away until I’m alone to work out the pattern without distractions and pick up a simpler one in the meantime.

One thing I miss these days is cooking. I often work 12 hour shifts and believe me when I say that at the end of one when I’ve cycled nearly an hour to get home I don’t want to do any fancy cooking! if it takes more than ten minutes I don’t do it. Fancy stuff has to wait until my day off.

I need to get my camera out more really. I want to start doing a regular picture-only post, which I suppose means that I need to post a big more often! We will see what happens. I want to try and be more versatile and do more than read, knit, eat and sleep if I’m not working.

Right, the sun is out, there’s coffee in the pot and I’m going to combine the two. Take care.

Categories: Food, Fun Stuff, Life, observations | Leave a comment

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